Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Everybody Limbo!

Paul Butler has been listening to vintage Harry Belafonte tunes.

Back when roach clip earrings combined sex appeal with common sense practicality, I borrowed heavily from Harry’s best work. The sing-song quality of ending words in O enabled less high readers to dig my poetry without fear their metaphorical leg was being pulled. The downside to aping Calypso’s sun-kissed
syncopation is the inclination to name characters Banana Hannah and Day O’Bread -- assuming youthful experimentation with island vibes linger and wrinkle over into late middle age. At the risk of beating Reel Ting’s steel drum, fiction featuring a barefoot protagonist limits the literary terrain to Fred Flintsone’s Bedrock and a yet unwritten novella lurking somewhere in Mac County’s hairy flora.

And then again, maybe Paul-O’s prescription medication booked him on a Caribbean cruise.


The second largest shareholder in Aussie billionaire Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. is Saudi Arabia’s Prince Al Awi Ben Talal. I’d feel queasy if my favorite All-American fake news outfit was another oil embargo away from becoming Al Jezeera’s dumber cousin. Although Glenn Beck adorned in flowing throbe can’t help but enhance his Founding Father aberrations, who can argue that Sarah Palin’s handsome face covered with heavy black niqab does little to accentuate her patriotic cheese cake appeal. The upside to foxy Fox News vixens encased in drab Muslim flax is money saved on make-up: eliminating costly war paint plastered on Greta Van Susteren’s puss could feed Jonah Goldberg for at least three hours.

I’m assuming that niqabs play hell with peripheral vision. This could explain why Arab women aren’t allowed to operate moving vehicles or participate in public beheadings. Considered an expert in national security, Palin’s credibility would suffer if she was forced to don a constraining ski mask when scouring the horizon for uninvited Russians. It stands to reason that Prince Al Awi Ben Talal shares her concern that Putin will “rear his ugly head up” -- but don’t ask me why. Allowing Palin to forgo unbecoming hood for attractive scarf would give her pretty eyeballs the freedom to rotate without restriction; thus thwarting amphibious assaults against Seal Island and the occasional Guatemalan stuffed-in-car trunk attack.

James O’Keefe, the young conservative agent provocateur, has traded in his pimp costume for drabber illegal wire-tapping wear. Hailed by assholes for exposing ACORN’s heart of darkness, O’Keefe has even been lauded by House Republicans for his daring raid into the Belgian Congo of community organizing. Too bad Sean Hannity is busy covering the devastating aftermath of Haiti's violent lurch into utter despair. I’d love to see the neck-less ace reporter’s hard-hitting interview with Andrew Breitbart (O’Keefe’s employer and genius behind “Big Hollywood”).


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