Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blond Persuasion

The fact that Liz Cheney is on a nationally televised Sunday morning news show speaks volumes about the mainstream media. I was tempted to qualify the opening sentence; but no. This is my blog and I feel like making a blanket statement. Everybody else does.

Liz, Daughter O’Dick, served in the Bush Administration as an assistant to the Under Secretary of Silly Walks. She has as much business opining on Islamic terrorism as I do working on automatic transmissions. At least her former job relieved Dick from paying her rent and bar tab. Free-market conservatives may hate the minimum wage, but they find nepotism a sweet tool for prying their kids out of the house. Liz is such a vacuous waste of skin that George Will had to distance himself from her prattle about “reverse racism” -- you know, the terrible discrimination inflicted on rich white people by poor minorities.
Janet Napolitano should have resigned immediately after the ‘underwear bomber’ fried his package. She obviously can’t keep America safe. If she doesn’t fall on her sword the next terrorist attack could be devastating. What if al-Qaeda crazies hijacked jets and flew them into buildings, all on Saddam Hussein’s dime, would that wake people up to Obama's hands off approach to our enemies? We need my Daddy back in power. This Obama guy is a liberal and liberals can’t or won’t do the things that are necessary to defeat Terror -- like torture, murder, suspend habeas corpus, invade the wrong country, you know, stuff that works. And I’m not just saying this because I want my old office back. Even though Dick Armey pinches my butt, I’m making out like a bandit fronting his Americans for Safety…Americans Against…; I can’t remember the name. But that’s not important. What’s important is that my Daddy is right!

I’m going to put on the proper attire for watching “Return to Cranford”. All except for the lipstick; it makes the brandy taste funny.


  1. John,

    Your interpretation of Daughter O'Dick was well within the bounds of journalism as practiced these days on cable television.

    O'Dick's usual home,Fox, has so degraded the industry that even once-proud network news programs, like the Brinkley-birthed "This Week," have succumbed to the corruption.

    Sunday's show, in which George Stephanopoulos and the rest of the "liberal" panelists soft-shoed around Cheney's sophistry, was hard to watch. Amazingly, George Will was the only one left to challenge her. Pathetic.


  2. Duane,

    The collusion between what many call “The Village” and conservative mouthpieces occupying screen time is a given. In a twisted way, Faux News is less dishonest than their competitors. There is no rational explanation why Liz Cheney’s propaganda is deemed suitable Sunday morning “news” material. More to the point, why would the producers behind a “legitimate” exercise in television journalism think she was anything but a paid, partisan disseminator?

    There are no signs that the dismal state of journalism will improve anytime soon. I could be that before long J-schools teach classes will include heresay with the four Ws.


  3. John,

    My guess is that the producers of such shows book guests like Cheney because of the fact that she will inevitably say something so outrageous that it will make the news elsewhere. And, of course, she did and it did.

    I could tolerate (barely) her spewing propaganda on my once-favorite Sunday morning show, if someone were around to aggressively call her on it. I can't imagine Sam Donaldson sitting there and taking that bullshit without a vigorous response. But, alas, the Donaldson's are dying. He was at once a fierce defender of liberalism and a top-notch reporter, who antagonized on a bi-partisan basis when he was a White House correspondent.

    So, if This Week is going to pursue people like Liz Cheney as panelists, the producers at least ought to bring on someone to shut her up. My vote would be for someone like Ed Shultz. Now, that would be great television, if they want to go down the road of sensationalism. Ed would likely stymie her style.


  4. Duane,

    I apologize for my prior comment's last sentence. I was trying to multi-task. Bad idea, as I can barely uni-task.

    It's obvious that shows like This Week consider Cokie Roberts a token liberal. I'd love to see Big Ed have a go with the Liz Cheney types. But I suspect the usual suspects wouldn't appear if they thought they'd be exposed to sunlight. There's a reason Sister Sarah has yet to hold a real press conference.

    By the way, I didn't have to burn the last piece of garage sale furniture. Beloved and I circle the remaining chair like two stoners would a fresh burrito supreme. But at least we can do so without cumbersome parka and insulated underwear.

