Friday, June 12, 2009

An Old Sarah Palin Post

Since Sarah Palin is back in the news, here’s a little Sarah ‘Cuda musing from last fall.
The Palin media distraction shows no signs of abating. From what I gather her studies in Vice President 101 are going well. According to Rick Davis she asks few questions and has a crack memory -- as in she can repeat back what she’s been told? I keep having this vision of her chats with Charlie Gibson that will never make the airwaves.

Gibson: Governor, briefly explain the difference between Sunni and Shiite?
Palin: Choice of footwear? Ah, Sunni women can’t shave between their eyebrows? Hmm, it’s probably something about religion, isn’t it? Gosh, they’re all so kooky over there! Shiites eat figs on Friday? Oh come on, you were supposed to ask me about war with Russia! I know that one! Let’s start over again. You say, ‘Governor, recent tensions between America and Russia over their unprovoked invasion of Osaycan useeitia’…
Gibson: What did you say?
Palin: When?
Gibson: Just now, did you say Osaycanyouseeitia?
Palin: Maybe?
Gibson: You’re supposed to say Ossitia. O-S-S-I-T-I-A. Remember? And then you mention a conversation with Saakashvili…how the Senator and you are committed to protecting the territorial integrity of Georgia against Putin‘s aggression…
Palin: Oh yeah! Putin! I can finally say that word without giggling. Who in their right mind names a kid Putin? And people think Track is weird. What his last name… Head! Hey Putin Head, I’m gonna’ kick your butt!
Gibson: (Turns to Rick Davis). I thought you said she was ready.
Davis: She did okay yesterday. I think she’s just nervous. Sarah. Sarah! Over here! Are you a little rattled, honey? This is taped so relax and take your time.
Gibson: Have Joe stand behind me with cue cards.
Davis: Good idea. Sarah. Sarah! Over here! Uncle Joe is going to hold cue cards behind Charlie. You just read the words like you did in St. Paul.
Liebermann: Oh come on! I’m not going to hold up cue cards. Get a teleprompter.
Gibson: Okay. Focus people. We can do this. No cue cards. No teleprompter. I’ll make the questions as vague as I can. She has heard of the Bush Doctrine?
Davis: I think so. Sarah. Sarah! Over here! Remember the Bush Doctrine?
Palin: Oh sure!
Davis: Great. Remember to look determined when you give your answer.
Palin: Like this?
Davis: You’re not passing a bowling ball. Pretend a librarian refuses to ban “Treasure Island” because you think Long John Silver is a porno star, not a fictional pirate. Take it down a notch. There! Perfect.

Juan Don: Or not.

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