Sunday, May 17, 2009

Succorance and Secession

I’ve had more fun reading other writers this week. Dick Cheney has turned into quite the Chatty Cathy since leaving his ‘undisclosed location’. Aside from the dittoheads frantically rowing Viking death ships toward Niflheim, Republicans not wearing horned helmets are watching the debacle with what dentists call Craniomandibular Dysfunction.
Project currently on hold: Talon Tisdale, my tall heiress, is suspended in fiction with well groomed but troubled Dr. Nick Barkley. Not to fear. Tomorrow they’ll be released from their first steamy embrace and begin the ____ page descent into guilt-induced remorse. Nick is still married to Britt, his college sweetheart. Britt, brain-dead for five years after suffering a dreadful snorkeling mishap, just happens to be Talon’s step-sister. Ouch. If the publisher wasn’t so picky I’d end the yet unnamed novel with Rep. Charlie Key (R-OK) finding his soul mate in the plot’s comatose twist. (Dialogue between Charlie and Britt would be challenging, as would perfunctory make out scenes. Actually, I could have both characters speak in stream of unconsciousness; or Charlie could speak for Britt using either hand sock or Respirator Barbie. It might be a dandy idea for Charlie and Mark Kinsley to watch Ken Burns’ “The Civil War” before seeping any more secession tea bags).

Too bad Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi committed suicide. I guess Libyan prisons aren’t as safe as they used to be. I’m sure Ibn would have corroborated Cheney’s tale about the link between Saddam and bin Laden, and how the dastardly duo were plotting more terrorist attacks…after 9-11. Odd that torture was stopped when the Abu Ghraib photos were made public. Does that mean The War on Terror officially ended after Bush’s first term? I can’t imagine why the kibosh was put on torture if the crime(s) kept America safe. It really does get confusing trying to follow Cheney’s revisionist history timeline.

Congratulations to all graduates.


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