Wednesday, September 23, 2009

casting the first stone

Gadhafi and almost full term governor Sarah Palin should go on tour.

Earlier today I threw chat at the dime store diva but, once again, R. Duane Graham beat me to Snow Ball. That’s what I get for not web surfing before committing another keyboard atrocity. And I had this tangent going where Palin prepped for her first paid overseas publicity stunt by watching “Mulan”. Just as well. The flautist enhancing her foreign policy credentials through Disney animation had a Tim Burton feel to it. A Guy Davis man myself, Burton is a sophisticated reach for someone who just yesterday figured out LOL doesn’t mean…well, an abomination. Now I know why I had trouble keeping an online spades partner -- that and going nil while holding the ace.

It remains a mystery to me why conservative Christians find Palin appealing. I have no choice but to believe that they’re fine with pathological liars. Sarah Palin lies, and she lies a lot. What kind of value system ignores blatant disregard for truth? In a profession known for playing fast and loose with veracity, Palin’s consistent falsehoods are serial and glaring.

Political ideology aside, what Christian attributes does Palin possess that Barack Obama does not? Have right-wing evangelicals become so obsessed with abortion that they automatically exonerate politicians from further moral scrutiny just because they adopt a pro-life stance? The list of “family values” conservatives caught in all manner of tawdry vice is lengthy. Tom Delay has compared himself to Jesus Christ on at least three occasions. I’ll freely admit that I spent my youth fighting to stay awake during the Epistle lesson. Yet while perfecting inattentive eye contact, I remained cognizant enough to know that Armageddon will be a spectacular clusterfuck if Delay and Jesus are sharing the same white stallion.

Let us pray that Delay’s dirty dancing doth honor the Lord. Let us further beseech The Almighty that Sister Sarah rakes in more Neiman Marcus sheaves, Brother Newt does not hog the confessional booth and Deacon Sanford finds the strength to keep his Argentine whore away from his wife’s upcoming inspirational book tour.

Play ball.

Juan Don

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