Thursday, December 17, 2009

stromming the thurman

Dear Erstwhile,

You’ve really done it this time. When will you learn that responding to The Man Called Shirley is fraught with peril? It’s not beyond reason to think that “Big dog” might sniff out your home address and gift you with burning Yuletide turds. Heaven knows what “local yokel” has up (or down) his overalls. (The Man Called Shirley supporters offer few clues as to their gender, leaving an old acid head wondering if “little bo peep” is “Joe Schmoe” bitching in film noir era panties). Exposing Joplin’s favorite pill pusher’s fondness for straw can only lead to charges of “hateful arrogance” and “2nd grade pettiness”. Tempted to ape Anson’s rare online anonymity, I tried to join in on a little masked mob fun as “fuck me running”. But for some reason, “fuck me running” was denied his First Amendment right of free speech; dittos for “always squirting spooge” and “roy blunt”; too bad. Had my lengthy, scatological-scented drivel been accepted “writes” would need to step-up his/her game, or risk becoming just another “Farmer Ted”. Pray like hell that after the 2010 elections real Americans will be free to hide inside “Pelosi's pussy” without fear of “libtard” outrage.

And now I must get back to my reading. I can’t wait to see how Sarah escapes from the Garden of Gethsemane. (Because global warming is a hoax, maybe she splits on Todd's Artic Cat).

Juan Don


  1. fuckmerunningdefender writes: I just can't understand why the Globe would reject "roy blunt" as a moniker for online spooge squirting. Maybe its standards are rising.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Let us pray that one day all true patriots can have their say. Because I'm easily distracted, the idea of using matt blunt as my masked marvel online alter ego never occurred to me. Adler, who is usually sober, will soon experiment with toddy nodler and see if he can join in on sagacious cyberspace sniping.

    If he's successful, he hopes that Billy Long will pay him for his effort.
